Waar zit jouw JA?



John O’Donohue, the wonderful, wild Irish poet, once wrote:

“We need to come home to the temple of our senses.
Our bodies know that they belong…
it is our minds that make us homeless.”

is a practice of deepening
our connection
to the present moment
and finding peace
within our own skin.''

Toni Bernhard


''The rich
will make temples for Siva.
What shall I,
a poor man,

My legs are pillars,
the body the shrine,
the head a cupola
of gold.

Listen, O lord of the meeting rivers,
things standing shall fall,
but the moving ever shall stay.''

From Basavanna, 820 B.C.
~ translated from the Kannada by A.K. Ramanujan in Speaking of Siva ~